I haven't updated in like 2 months.
I generally have no excuse.
No one reads this anyway.
But anyway.
Very recently I have been getting more and more annoyed at hanging around with girls, I think I'm more friendly with guys and have a laugh with them, rather than talking about feelings and shit. Dear lord.
Some girls I know tend to talk about relationships... A LOT.
It's like everyone is obsessed with having a boyfriend... please, you are 16, no relationship is gonna be really strong when you're that age. But it can still be a good relationship, but I wouldn't go into saying that you're gonna last forever and get married. I really hope some people stop the soppy statuses saying 'Forever and always' when that clearly won't be the truth.
And then you have some girls who just want to talk about how badly their life sucks.
Really? You live in a house, you have food, you have friends, you have family. Stop being so attention seeking. It really bugs me when people say that and you know they have a good life... It's kind of like don't be ungrateful.
In other news I start college next week and I'm so freaking glad because I never have to see anyone from my school that I can't stand ever again. Good riddens.
Um, I may be moving blogs because I kind of want a fresh start and I might start vlogging again, but I'm deleting my old ones because they make me cringe.
Good day amigos
Sian x
TUMBLR: gl4ssbal00ns
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Why I Shouldn't Be Allowed To Play "Would You Rather?"
I feel so bad for not updating in like a month...wah.
A couple of days ago me and my friend were bored and decided to play would you rather?
I think everyone knows the game would you rather, but if you don't, basically someone says "Would you rather eat your own foot, or have someone eat it for you?" or something like that and you have to choose which one you would prefer. Pretty simple right?
Wrong, if you're me.
I over-analyse every single situation, like for example there was a question that was "would you rather have someone wake you up singing, or sing you to sleep?"
Now in my opinion I would rather have someone wake me up singing, because if someone fell asleep when I was singing to them, I would be a little annoyed, but this would mean that you have slept with the person who sang to you, whereas the person singing to you in the morning may have just come in...like some creepy stalker.
The same goes for "Shoot, shag, marry"
Because if you think about it, if you marry someone you would most likely have sex with them more wouldn't you? So I always think the person I most likely would want to bang would go on "Marry" whereas the 2nd most bangable with go in "Shag"
I can't believe I've just explained my theory for a fucking game.
Oh dear lord.
You can tell that I'm being productive on study leave.
Sian xTUMBLR: Gl4ssball00ns
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Procrastination is a bitch.
Hello, I really should be revising for my exams but here I am...blogging, as usual.
I swear I am the biggest procrastinator in the world, especially when it comes to revision
I know loads of people that revise weeks in advance, but that doesn't work for me, I have to do it last minute otherwise I will never remember anything.
I found it funny that a guy in my maths class revised loads for maths and failed miserably whilst i revised last minute and passed. (And now I don't have to ever do maths again...praise the fucking lord)
But when it comes round to it I get so distracted...for example:
-I'll start revising now
--Oh wait I should check facebook and tumblr....
---Aw look at the cute cat gif!
----Hahahaha a whore posted a new photo
-----Wait, Sian focus.... biology
------Aw the best friend messaged me (Start 10 minute conversation)
-------Lets look at the revision guide...
---------Fuck this.
Yeah, and it happens again and again...
I know, I know I really should focus, but my feeling is that I don't need biology... I'm doing media and the only thing I needed was maths at grade C which I now have so I'm set, the thing I will focus on is English because I want to do something within media and journalism so this would be good for me :) (Lol jk I just wanna work for Sugarscape k?)
...And the fact that I suck at poetry and should probably focus on that and Animal Farm.
Good luck to everyone with their exams!
And sorry that I have been so shit with posting lately.
Sian xTUMBLR: gl4ssball00ns
revision tips,
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
When People think I Care About Their Lives.
2 rants in a day? You lucky people.
I have said many a time that I am socially awkward, I barely talk, I would say I'm a good listener to people and I try to understand their problems and help them.
Yeah I'm a fucking saint.
But recently I feel that this is the worse thing to be good at because It seems that everyone thinks that I want to know about their lives... sure I don't mind hearing a story once or twice. But do not give me updates every fucking day. I don't care that much.
And what's even more annoying is when they exaggerate it and whilst you listen to them you talk to yourself saying:
"Is this person for real?"
"Do they think I believe that?"
"Argh shut up."
"Stop talking."
"I'm hungry."
"No seriously. Shut up."
Maybe sometimes i want to talk about something other than your weird life which probably isn't even like what you say. As selfish as that sounds...wait no it doesn't sometimes I wanna talk too.
I've just started replying with blunt sentences and words.
They don't seem to catch on.
Please take the hint soon please.
Sian x
People Should Talk About Their Lives More Quietly.
I have lost inspiration over the past couple of weeks because I've had nothing to rant about, but it seems in the past 2 weeks people are really pissing me off, especially people who talk super loudly about irritating things no one wants to hear about.
I'm sorry, I don't want to hear about how high you got and how many boys you got with last weekend, in my opinion I would be keeping that stuff to myself...not the best thing to be proud of...You being a slut. Wooo! Preach!
I wouldn't be saying this stuff really loudly in a classroom so the whole fucking world can hear...Its almost like they think people care about their annoyingly stupid lives. Newsflash. I don't.
And what's just as bad is singing loudly.
I know kill me- I'm all for singing a song loudly when you're on your own or with friends and you know that you can't sing it well then its fine because that's hilarious like the time my friend started singing "One Thing" whilst on an escalator and started dramatically walking down it.
It was going up.
Possibly the most hilarious things I've ever seen.
I wish I had a camera at that time.
But these people clearly think they should be on the X-factor and it's beyond irritating, just shut up for a second and think about the people who have to listen to this shit for an hour.
I wrote this on my ipod a week ago and while I was my friend was singing a lovely rendition of "My heart will go on" with my name in it...I'm flattered but slightly disturbed.
And no we were in the room on our own when she started... those fuckers luckily left.
I might do another vlog sometime about food....because everyone likes food.
I was going to do it tonight, but I keep putting it off and I don't know why.
I'm only doing it because 3 of my friends are begging me to because I am so brilliant at them.
PAHAHAHAHAHA yeah right.
I am so retarded in my vlogs.
Sian x
Tumblr: gl4ssball00ns
Thursday, 3 May 2012
When Your Friends Try To Get Something Out Of You.
I am bored at college with nothing to do...time to rant then.
Don't you hate it when people try to get some sort of secret out of you?
Yeah, that's happening right now.
So in my previous post I talked about my friends slightly awkward encounter (which she says is still awkward) and now my friends are trying to figure out who the guy is... and I'm trying to be a good friend, but I'm cracking under the pressure...you know when you can't keep a straight face, so every name they say I look really suspicious.... and they think it's a certain person but it's not and then you get into a awkward laughter that you can't stop.
Oh lord save me.
I'm being saved by my other friend who has just told me to write this.
And to make her happy, here's a picture of the dog she's obsessing over.

I have nothing else to say.
I'm really bored at college.
And they just figured it out.
Oh damn.
Don't you hate it when people try to get some sort of secret out of you?
Yeah, that's happening right now.
So in my previous post I talked about my friends slightly awkward encounter (which she says is still awkward) and now my friends are trying to figure out who the guy is... and I'm trying to be a good friend, but I'm cracking under the pressure...you know when you can't keep a straight face, so every name they say I look really suspicious.... and they think it's a certain person but it's not and then you get into a awkward laughter that you can't stop.
Oh lord save me.
I'm being saved by my other friend who has just told me to write this.
And to make her happy, here's a picture of the dog she's obsessing over.

I have nothing else to say.
I'm really bored at college.
And they just figured it out.
Oh damn.
Sunday, 29 April 2012
When People Make Situations More Awkward Than They Should Be.
Well hello there.
I feel like I keep forgetting about this blog... I'm losing inspiration!
Have you ever been in a situation when you have done something with someone and tried to get over it and move on but the other person just makes it awkward?
Yeah me and my friend are in this situation.
Okay, so my friend went to a party and got a little too drunk and made out with a guy (Which is ironic, because I nickname her slut...she's living up to her name!) Anyway it was with one of her best guy friends and she knows that it didn't mean anything, they both had a lot to drink and she thought they could move on.
But it seems that this guy is making it awkward.
He completely ignored her the rest of the day...really? It's like he thinks that shes gonna fall head over heels for him- which she's not. I swear girls are the ones that are meant to over analyse these type of situations?
All she wants to do is move on and have her friend back...but I don't think it will for a while if he keeps it up.
Oh school is gonna be interesting.
And now I'm in a situation too...
I recently became friends with someone who is really nice and has amazing music taste, she is a lesbian but who cares? I'm not bothered by that in the slightest! But I heard from 2 people that she had called me "Bangable" which is laughed at...at least someone thinks that? Even though it's the wrong sex? But anyway I guess she found out that I knew and has stopped talking to me full stop...maybe a casual smile every so often. It's like she thinks I won't like her anymore... but tbh I couldn't care less, we had such good conversations it feels like that's ruined because she is making it awkward.
Eugh, some people.
Well that's all. This is a terrible post... I apologise greatly.
Don't you just love awkward things like this?
Sian xx TUMBLR: gl4ssball00ns.tumblr.com
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Fake Hipsters.
Sorry its been a while, I generally don't know what exactly I've done, I just haven't had time to update this blog, but I'm here now! Right lets rant.
I wouldn't class myself as a hipster, because judging by tumblr I'm nowhere near that cool yet. But I do like indie music, there are sooooo many bands I want to see live, it's annoying that no one decent comes to my town... but I wouldn't want them to anyway because that would mean the annoying people I have to cope with at school will know who they are...
LIST OF BANDS I WANT TO SEE LIVE (Or marry, whichever is easier.)
-Two Door Cinema Club
-The Vaccines
-Mystery Jets
-Bombay Bicycle Club
-Arcade Fire
-Mumford & Sons
-Noah and the Whale
-Vampire Weekend
-Death Cab For Cutie
-Cobra Starship
I could go on.
You know what really bugs me though?
People who think they like these bands when they only have heard one song and are making no intention of listening to any other.
It really bugs me...
Take a girl from my school- Possibly the most irritating, attention seeking bitch I've met in my life. She acts like she's the fucking big show and thinks she's awesome because she has tumblr and listens to indie bands and constantly updates everyone with her really annoying instagram photos because she thinks that's what a hipster does.
I'm sorry, dickheads do that. No hipsters.
I swear if some other girl gets tumblr from my school I will shoot myself in the face.
This is what these bitches have on their tumblr:
- picture of a starbucks frappuccino
- picture of weed
- picture of a girl in a bikini
- picture of a cartoon disney movie
- picture of a burger and fries
- picture of a couple holding hands
And the circle of life begins.
And what depresses me more is when someone spreads the word on a band you love and has it playing all the time- This happened at college. Twice. The first time the guy blasting it out singing along- which made me want to scream in his face and throw the computer out the window and the other time when he was prancing around boasting about listening to a band, do you want a fucking medal?
Sweet jesus. One day I'm going to leave this town and meet people who I relate to and go to gigs and travel all around the world get married to Olly Murs, lol jk that won't happen.
I'm just going laugh at all these stupid tumblrs that people I know have.
Check my tumblr out at gl4ssball00ns.tumblr.com
Sian x
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
It's been a while since I've had a full on major rant, I had nothing to say but now something has come up and I don't think I've been so crazily pissed in my entire life.
Everyone hates someone right? You can't love everyone, there is always someone that when they come near you it makes your skin crawl and the smallest things they do make you want to punch them in the face?
Well, a lot of people are like that to me, but hey, I'm a hateful person. I rarely like many people. But this ONE GIRL. If you want to class her as a girl, just. Eugh. There are no words for her.
Let's start the story shall we?
My best friend is nice to everyone, there is nothing to not like about her (Unless you really don't like fangirls, then I guess you wouldn't) she wouldn't hurt a fly, but some stupid bitch thought she would be the big show and start a fucking rumour about her.
This bitch, is clearly in love with a guy that is very friendly to my friend, nothing has ever happened between them and it never will. But this "Girl" decides to start a rumour saying that these two send love letters to each other and have had sex in school.
In school? Really? My best friend, the most innocent person in the universe?
Obviously everyone told thought it was the biggest piece of bullshit in the world, but still asked my friend about it, which got her really upset.
So, I freak the fuck out.
My friend confronts this "Thing" in a calm manner and what does this thing do?
"Oh I didn't say that, I don't know what you're talking about"
Bearing in mind that 5 of your so called "Best friends" Who actually hate you have come up and told me and my friend that you've been spreading it.
So we went up to her again at lunch, I'm at boiling point right now because this bitch is full on denying, and you can tell the way she acts that she is lying. And guess what?
So I say in a rather calm manner bearing in mind that I want to ram this girls head into the wall right now, I kindly state that even if she didn't make up the rumour, people have told us she has been spreading it, which is even worse in my books.
And then, she just walks away and goes "I'm not going to talk to you about this now"
Really bitch? Really?
So my best friend has walked off (To which I find out later that she was crying in the bathroom)
I walk towards a group of my friends who know what is going on and at the same time scream on the top of my lungs
I never scream, and my voice went crazily high... but it shut her up. And she gave me the death stare the rest of lunch.
Keep it coming bitch, you're in the wrong.
And today she came up to my Friend and did a half ass apology saying that if she did say it which she doesn't think she did (Bullshit) she is sorry.
Next time don't make the most retarded rumour ever. Probably her sexual fantasies or something crazy like that. Because everyone will rat you out, even though she is the one that looks like some fat rat.
Rumours suck. It would of been better if she just admitted it, but no she had to keep her lame-ass pride.
I really don't like her, can you tell?
Sian x
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Body Image.
We all once in our lives have looked in magazines and thought "Why don't I look like that?" Everyday we always compare ourselves to things which we shouldn't, the media is a big player on this subject, constantly showing skinny models who don't show the real girl but something that many want to look like, with disastrous consequences.
As part of a college project we had to create a campaign on something we felt strongly about, me and the 3 others in my group decided on body image and anorexia for our campaign, we created T-shirts which was probably the most fun thing we ever did, created signs and made this video to show people statistics about body image.
The video is not the greatest, but bearing in mind that we did this in 2 hours, i think its pretty impressive.
We really need feedback on this so we would all appreciate if you watched it and gave us your thoughts on it. This would be a huge help for us if you did, so pleeeeaaasseee check it out below.
And remember, even models want to look like their pictures.
Sian x
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Why buying concert tickets is the most stressful thing in the universe.
So, I'm pretty good at getting tickets for shows and shizz, but today has been a whole new experience.
My dear friend asked me to get us One direction tickets for next March.
Now I'm not a huge fangirl of them like I've said before, but she is...110% obsessed so because I'm such a nice best friend I will be going with her, despite the fact that I will need therapy to prepare myself for being with thousands of her (I barely coped in the theatre tour)
So I got to seetickets (Obv, why choose ticketmaster that would set me to fail) and was quite calm, I knew what I was doing, I thought it would be alright because it was arenas...they wouldn't sell that quickly...
Holy fuck I was wrong.
By the time I got out of the "Queue" most "Good" tickets were gone so I went into freak mode desperately searching for good tickets, when Hallelujah! I got some! I deserve a medal.
Cardiff. Sunday. March 3rd. Bitches.
I don't know what I would of said to my friend if I didn't get tickets... I feel like our friendship would of been over.
This tour better be fucking good, the stress I went through to get those tickets. They should pay for my therapy.
Sian x
Monday, 20 February 2012
People who think they are professional photographers.
You know those people on facebook who have albums titled "Photography" and they are basically just pictures of themselves posing?
Is it just me or is everyone doing that these days? I'm sorry but I do not want to see 400 pictures of you doing the same fucking pout but with a new outfit on...Please.
And people who think that they are professional photographers from doing that.
Just because you took a pretty good picture and got loads of likes does not mean that you are a pro at photography, it just means that you know how to push the button on top of your £50 camera.
I mean I have a film camera called the Diana F+ but I don't go round calling myself a photographer, because I'm not. And I know I will never have an album dedicated to that because I'm not a fucking retard. And all my photos will probably come out terribly wrong.
What's even more annoying is the people that use "Instagram" waaaay too much on their photos or twitpics, for fuck sake you took a picture of yourself in the morning with the tagline "Ew I look awful without make-up" Shut the fuck up, why post that? And edit it so it looks so much more "Photogenic" and "Model-worthy" Barf.
I know some people generally want to be a photographer and are actually trying to get there, by working with a real professionals and using lighting and all that crap, but it's the wannabes that make me want to throw everyone who has a photography album down some stairs and into a pit of fire.
Harsh I know, but the truth fucking hurts.
Sian x
Saturday, 11 February 2012
When people don't take the hint.
You know when you give someone an excuse on why you can't make it somewhere but they try to get you to meet them when secretly you can't stand the person and just want them to fucking leave you alone?
Yeah? Shoot.
So me and my friend are close to 2 girls that live far away... they live in a city where you can do everything, we live in the shittiest town in the world. So when they asked to stay we thought they would be here for 2 days
No. They want to stay for 4. 4! In this town:
Shop for 5 minutes.
Go into every coffee shop (There's like 100)
Laugh at chavs
Laugh at the fake emo/hipsters.
You could do that in ONE DAY, I swear they think that we live in some luxury world.... so we decided to try and get them to stay for 3...fair enough right, the excuse was that our parents were busy and couldn't have them on the first day.
Normal people would go "Okay, that's fine we'll come on Thursday"
1 of the girls did, the other, not so much.
She had a full on temper tantrum and started crying. CRYING.
So her mum gave an ultimatum of them staying on Wednesday or not coming at all.
Ooooh how tempted were we to say don't come? But we're nice, so we gave in. Eugh.
Dear you are almost 16, get some sense and learn to read peoples thoughts. Don't fucking cry about it jeeez.
These 4 days better be fucking good.
Sian x
Friday, 3 February 2012
Little pricks.
Well this week seems to be full of drama, I swear almost every friendship group is going downhill. It's the sign of the APOCALYPSE.
I kid of course, but there is one little prick that is pushing all the wrong buttons this week, and its funny because he used to be one of my closest friends like 2 years ago.
Me and my best friend were super close to him, we had a laugh and even though many hated him, we stuck by him. Well that's gone out the fucking window, every time one of us wasn't there he would bitch about the other, I'm sorry, did you forget that I'm her best friend and you're insulting her? Nice one prick.
It's funny, cause every time he said something bad about me my friend would tell me. So over the past couples of months we cannot stand him. He tries to act gay and camp to get friends but hates it when people call him gay, it's so annoying hearing his irritating laugh from across the classroom that makes you want to lob a book in his face. And talking about faces, he has a lot. At school he tries to act really rebellious, but when he does our college course he is a total nerd, probably because our lecturer told him he was failing, and I bet he still is. He's one of those people that act clever but they are the biggest DUMBFUCK ever.
Okay, so that's the back story and here's whats happened this week.
My best friend is the sweetest person ever, and everyone would agree, she wouldn't even hurt a fly, It all started after English when our teacher burst into tears (we still have no idea why, I'm guessing family issues) but she ran into the cupboard, this prick and my bestfriend and other people saw this, and well its not like a student can go in and give her a hug even though I would, be she said to leave her alone, so My bestfriend did. But what does that PRICK say to my friend?
"God Hayley you're so insensitive"
I'm sorry what? I don't see you going in that cupboard you dumbfuck. My Friend gets really upset when people insult her, she's been through some shit over the past couple of years and that's why she's so nice and doesn't like confrontation, I already had a go at him 2 years ago for telling her to get a backbone.
Bearing in mind that I was super quiet back then, I blew up and swore and went on a full on rant to him, and what did he do?
Run off crying like a baby.
Anyway, focus, back to this week,
My other friend who many say is Hayley's twin is a ranting queen, she will say what she wants and doesn't give a fuck who's watching, so she confronted him and he acted like a total pussy and tried to act like the bigger person. No you're not the bigger person, you're the most insensitive, lying, hypocritical, patronising little shit I've met in my entire life. I think if there was a boxing ring, she would drag him in there in a flash.
Whats even more funny is that he thinks the popular people like him, no they don't, You're like a little flea they cant get off their shoulder....then again he probably has fleas himself as he never seems to understand the concept of a SHOWER. All his closest friends bitch about him, and say they wont talk to him after school, I have no idea who will be his Friend once they realise how much of a little bitch he is.
Well this is a very long rant. I have no idea where "Dumbfuck" came from.
Sian x
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Everyone is a hypocrite.
Happy hypocrite day!
I kid of course, but it does seem that everyone is being a hypocrite, today, I've already seen 4 statuses saying about being who you are etc.
"I hate it when people judge you on their looks"
"You shouldn't care what people think about you, you are your own person"
Anyone who has said they haven't judged anyone on their looks is lying through their teeth, we all do it, even if its not in a nasty way we all do it. The main thing that annoys me is the "Popular" people saying it, I'm sorry, but I believe that you judge everyone because you put your nose up to everyone. Fuckers.
I'm not saying that I'm innocent and have never done it because i have, its just normal to.
So next time you're writing a status/tweet don't be a hypocrite.
Sian x
Monday, 30 January 2012
My favourite shows at this moment in time.
I'm trying to do a post every day this week, I'm getting desperate already.
I thought I would enlighten you all with my favourite 5 shows at this moment in time, obviously I love tons of shows but these are the special ones I have to remember to watch.
"Who's that girl, who's that girl....it's Jess!"
About a girl who splits up with her boyfriend and moves in with 3 other guys, possibly the funniest show I've seen in a while, and the theme tune just makes me smile. And the awesome thing about it is that you can actually recognise some of your friends doing what Jess does.
It's pretty obvious that I would choose this, since I work on another blog dedicated to that and misfits, its just about teenagers and their awesome fucked up lives. Now who wouldn't like that?
I know this hasn't been shown in the UK yet, but I couldn't resist watching it online, its hilarious. Possibly the best show ever and its about cupcakes! Now who doesn't like cupcakes? Basically its about a posh girl who moves in with an average working girl after her dad is sent to prison for fraud, they both work at a cafe but try to raise money to start their own cupcake business. Trust me its better than it sounds.
4) 90210
Come on, who doesn't love this show?! It's about a group of wealthy teenagers and their life through high school, well now its about college but who cares? Its the most dramatic thing on tv.
Yes i know, its finished ageeesss ago, but I just can't get over the finale... I have no idea how they are making a 4th series. Please, just let me be.
So that's all for now, tomorrow I'll probably do top 5 films at the moment until I can come up with some rant.
Sian x
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Popularity whores suck.
I think we all know someone that can't not have the most followers on twitter, or the most Friends etc?
Recently its become even more annoying, since everyone is starting to go onto twitter, it seems that the whole point of it is to have enough followers even if you don't know that person. I swear most of the popularity whores tweets are "Re-tweet for a mention" Or their tagline is probably "I follow back!" So i other words its not that people like you, its because people want to be a popular whore like you.
And by whore I don't just mean girls, boys are just as bad too.
For example there is a guy at my school, he literally boasts all the time that he has loads of followers, and people swarm to him to get mentioned and subsequently get followed by strangers.
Well this whore decided to get tumblr, which is an amazing website, but after a week of using it he called it crap and "Didn't get what to do"
Really? You post photos, quotes, music on your own blog and get followers and re-blogs from people?
Instead of re-tweet, you re-blog. Idiot.
So I casually asked how many followers he had, I only have like 170, but I'm not going out of my way to get them, people follow you because they like your photos, not because they want to be popular. He said he had 10, most of them were people he knew that were just being nice.
The reason he doesn't have many followers is because his blog sucks, BIG TIME. Posting stupid iphone pictures and trying to make his own artistic "Love photos" they suck, and what does tumblr do to people like that? They spit them out, no popularity whores allowed.
So next time you think about joining a new social network, just think that not all of them are about having the most followers.
Sian x
Saturday, 28 January 2012
A best friend's for life, not just for christmas.
Everyone has Friends and even a bestfriend, but i don't think I could ever have a better one than mine.
Okay sure sometimes she gets on my nerves with her fucking obsessions (although she denies) but i cant state for a fact that she is probably tweeting at one direction right now. Dear god.
As I've said many a time I'm socially awkward, she is the only one that gives me time and skips out on choir because I would be a super loner if she didn't, even though we just sit together and complain about things and find the stupidest things amusing. Like parrots for example.
I literally don't know what I would do without this bitch, she digs out stuff for me about my crush or juicy gossip whilst i give her sarcastic comments back. We're chalk and cheese on a whole over level.
And because she made me,
My blog has gone to new lows.
Sian x
How english lessons have ruined your life.
Don't get me wrong, I love English. Most of the time, but I've only just realised that the amount of over-analysing everything is the biggest load of bullshit I've heard in my life.
I'm pretty sure the authors/illustrators did not go into full depth on why they chose that colour is word, but it seems that English teachers think they did.
For example, we have to compare the original Macbeth to the manga version, the fact that I have to write a paragraph on why the background is black is taking the piss.
"The black background suggests darkness coming over Lady Macbeth's mind and shows the darkness of the scene and what builds up to Duncan's death"
Oh please, they chose black because they fucking wanted to. Not because they thought it would be full of meaning.
And i generally believe that is why girls are fucked up today, we always over-analyse everything someone does when it probably is nothing.
"Why is he looking at her? Does he fancy her? Are they in a relationship?"
No, he's just using his fucking eyes and casually looking around.
And that's how English lessons have ruined your life.
Sian x
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Bros' before hoes.
Well its slightly the opposite, being the bro a girl and the hoe the boy, but they both act like hoes.
So my best friend has a brother.
And tbh he ain't a looker. (She won't be insulted, i hope)
But then again my scale is ugly to Ryan Gosling/One Direction
He's 18.
We're 16.
Okay background story done. Lets begin.
My friend has just found out that one of her friends, the SAME AGE as us, is going out with her 18 YEAR OLD BROTHER.
And you're probably thinking...And?
Well I would love you to stay calm when you walk downstairs and see your brother/sister with your friend.
Yeah, not fucking likely.
Turns out they've had this relationship for months, like friends with benefits. And that makes it even worse.
Wouldn't you tell your friend before you start the stupid failure of a relationship?
Anyway, I'm just looking forward to seeing the awkwardness between them tomorrow.
And remember, Bros' before Hoes'
SianP.S to make my friend happy I have a picture of her future husbands :L
'Cause I'm a fucking nice friend.
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